man smiling with sticky note on his head
Most commonly, patients only think about going to the dentist for preventative or reconstructive procedures; things like cleaning, fillings, crowns, whitening, and more. But what about going to the dentist to make yourself feel, not just healthy, but confident? At Greenslopes Dental, we offer a broad range of services. Because of this, we can co...
man holding a jar full of money
The cost of dental work can often be off-putting. The thought of handing over a large sum of money for a cosmetic procedure can be disquieting. Things like preventative dental work can fall by the wayside. Or even worse – much needed dental repair and maintenance can be put off for ‘later’. At Greenslopes Dental,...
dentist cosmetic dermal fillers brisbane
You can achieve the near-perfect smile in time for Xmas with Cosmetic Injectables Christmas and New Year’s are a time filled with love, laughter, smiles… and photos. You want to look back at all those memories and see the great times you shared, not the things that irritate you about your smile. So, how do...
fastbraces vs invisalign
At Greenslopes Dental we are a provider for Fast Braces and Invisalign. Here's a quick summary of the differences between Fast Braces & Invisalign:
dental facial aesthetics in brisbane
Eliminate Grinding, Clenching, Headaches or Improve the Appearance of Wrinkles At Greenslopes Dental, we are always evolving and our philosophy is now including dento-facial aesthetics and skin rejuvenation. We are also pleased to announce Dr. Audrey Hii is a certified practitioner from the AADFA (Australasian Academy of Dento-Facial Aesthe...
health benefits dentists
Have you used all of your health fund benefits this year? With the end of the year fast approaching, it is the best time to be checking your health fund cover and making sure you have utilised your benefits for the year in regards to trips to your local dentist in Brisbane. Health insurance rarely...
how to brush with braces
View our Infographic on the best way to brush with braces, and feel free to call our team directly with any questions...
dermal fillers clinic brisbane
  At Greenslopes Dental, we are always evolving and our philosophy is now including dento-facial aesthetics and skin rejuvenation. We are also pleased to announce Dr. Audrey Hii is a certified practitioner from the AADFA (Australasian Academy of Dento-Facial Aesthetics). If you so choose at your next check-up, it might include a skin and...
wobbly tooth kids dentist
If your child has a loose baby tooth that is bothering him, you may wonder if you should try to pull it out or just wait for it to come out on its own? It may be tempting to simply pull the tooth from your child's mouth, but this is not always the best course of action. Here are some things to think about before you pull a loose tooth....