He sees you when you’re snacking, he knows when you don’t floss…

With Christmas holidays just around the corner, it is a great time to visit your local dentist.

Sugar abounds, sleepovers are plentiful, and it can be easy for children to fall out of routine during the holidays – Brushing can often be a part of this.

Before cavities and tooth decay set in, visit Greenslopes Dental to hear about preventative measures. Not to mention, we can educate your child about the importance of oral hygiene.

For parents of young children, we suggest making the act of brushing and flossing fun. You can use songs or characters, colourful brushes, or bright lights and timers that help children know how long they should be brushing for. For older children, we find that education and routine is a great way to ensure that brushing and flossing don’t fall behind.

However, above all else, the most effective ways to pass down great habits AND maintain a beautiful smile for family photos is to have the adults in the house set the best example possible. After all, it is just as important to for parents and older siblings to care for their oral health.

Greenslopes Dental offers a wide range of appointment times and flexible practice hours. Why not book the whole family in before Christmas for happy, healthy smiles in the family photos? We have a wide number of specialist services; from preventative care to repair procedures to cosmetic techniques.

Greenslopes Dental also offer specialist children’s dentistry services. We are proud to say that we cultivate a friendly and non-threatening environment for children and adults alike.

If you have a child that may be a bit nervous about their first visit to the dentist, we have a few tips about preparing for their first visit to the dentist

For children and adults that are still struggling with anxiety or fear during their visit, we can discuss the use of a mild conscious sedation gas to help with relaxation.

Greenslopes Dental believe cultivating great oral health as early as possible should be an affordable option for all families. As such, we offer a range of payment options. We also provide BULK BILLING for eligible children covered by the Medicare Child Dental Benefits. If your child is not covered by Medicare Benefits and you do not have health insurance then we can offer you 20% off all of your kid’s preventative dentistry treatment.

To learn a little more or to book your appointments today, contact our friendly team!