All On 4 Dental Implants

All On 4 - Dental Implants in Brisbane

What is All-on-4?

All-on-4 teeth replacement is a dental implant procedure designed to replace a full arch of missing teeth using only four dental implants. This innovative treatment option provides a fixed and permanent solution for individuals who have lost all or most of their teeth. Our team at Greenslopes Dental is led by our Periodontist, Dr. Jimmy Hsia, who is a Implant Specialist in Brisbane.

dr jimmy implant specialist brisbane
The procedure involves placing four implants in the jawbone strategically, with two implants positioned vertically at the front of the mouth and two implants placed at an angle towards the back of the mouth. This angulation allows for maximum stability and support for the replacement teeth.

Once the All-on-4 implants are securely placed, a customized prosthetic bridge is attached to the implants, effectively replacing all the missing teeth in the arch. The bridge is typically made from high-quality materials such as porcelain or zirconia, providing a natural-looking and durable result.

Benefits of the All-on-4 teeth replacement procedure include:

1. Immediate improvement in appearance and self-confidence.
2. Restored ability to eat and speak normally.
3. Preservation of jawbone structure and facial aesthetics.
4. No need for removable dentures or adhesives.
5. Reduced treatment time compared to traditional implant procedures.

It is important to note that the success of the All-on-4 procedure depends on various factors such as the patient’s oral health, bone density, and overall health. A thorough evaluation and consultation with our highly experienced dental specialist is necessary to determine if this treatment option is suitable for an individual’s specific case.

all on 4 dental implants brisbane