greenslopes dental brisbane invisalign
It’s a new year, which means new resolutions! One resolution that should be easy to uphold is to take care of your teeth. It’s as simple as developing good habits. Book your Appointments Now A first and simple step to kick-starting your new year is to book in your dental appointments now! Don’t wait around...
greenslopes dental invisalign brisbane
Don’t forget to care for your teeth these holidays. -Cut down your sugar intake Over the summer holidays, we are bound to be a bit more indulgent than usual. From advent calendars to Christmas day desserts, we are often consuming more sugar over this time, and as difficult as it may sound, it’s a good...
greenslopes dental brisbane dentists
Whilst bad breath can be an embarrassing condition, almost everyone is going to experience it at some point in their life. Halitosis, 'bad breath', can be caused by several factors, but controlling it can be simple in most cases. Sometimes, the causes may require greater intervention, however, below are some of the more common ways...
greenslopes dental brisbane dentists
Many people experience tooth sensitivity to some degree. Some may naturally have more sensitive teeth than others, but if you are experiencing pain when brushing your teeth or drinking hot or cold water, it can mean something is wrong, so it’s best to discuss this with your dentist. We can help you figure out what’s...
greenslopes dental implants brisbane
What are Dentures? Dentures are designed to fit into your mouth and be held in place there, and with the measurements of your mouth taken, the dentures can fit perfectly. The set is designed to look like natural teeth and is easily removed. You can get full or partial dentures, which one you get depends...
greenslopes dental cleaning service
We have all been guilty of sneaking a few extra snacks in, especially during this time, where many of us are working from home, where the snacks are within reach. Whilst a snack a day isn’t a bad thing, we generally aren’t reaching for the healthy snacks in the cupboard. Biscuits and sweets are much...
greenslopes dental brisbane blog
What is Dry Mouth Syndrome? If you regularly experience a dry mouth, even after drinking plenty of water, it’s possible that you have Dry Mouth Syndrome or Xerostomia. This occurs when your salivary glands don’t produce enough saliva to clean and moisten your mouth.  Some of the symptoms can include: dry, sticky or burning sensation...
emergency dentist greenslopes dental brisbane
Greenslopes Dental is open for your emergency dental needs During this uncertain time, we are still open as an emergency dentist. So you can visit us in our Greenslopes clinic for your emergency dental needs. Whilst we remain open, we have taken extra measures to ensure the health and safety of our patients and staff,...
greenslopes dental elderly
Regular visits to your dentist are required to maintain your oral health, however, they can also improve how you look! If you are wanting to gain confidence as you age, simple steps such as whitening your teeth can make dramatic differences. You can look and feel confident with your beautiful, new smile. Whitening Over the years our teeth yel...