greenslopes dental brisbane invisalign

It’s a new year, which means new resolutions! One resolution that should be easy to uphold is to take care of your teeth. It’s as simple as developing good habits.

Book your Appointments Now

A first and simple step to kick-starting your new year is to book in your dental appointments now! Don’t wait around until it’s closer to the time you think you’ll go, because often that window comes and goes and it’s almost a new year again. You can book with us with a quick call or book online. At your appointment, we can provide more advice on how to properly care for your teeth if you need some extra tips and tricks to keep your teeth healthy.

Brush and Floss Regularly

It’s easy to fall into the trap of believing that regular brushing is enough to maintain good oral health, however, without flossing, you are only doing half the job. By ensuring that you add flossing into your routine you’ll realise it’s easy to continue plus your gums and teeth will thank you for it!

Reduce Sugar

This may already be on your resolution list for the health benefits, however, reducing your sugar intake will also help your dental health. You don’t have to give up sugar entirely, but lessening the number of chewy sweets you eat is a good step to reducing the risk of tooth decay! If you do find yourself having a cheeky sweet or two, make sure you brush your teeth thoroughly about 20 minutes afterwards.

Quit Smoking

Another resolution that has a number of benefits. Quitting smoking will not only improve your overall health, but it can also help your oral health. Smoking affects your mouth in a number of ways, including staining, decay, gum disease and even throat and mouth cancer.

Start your Teeth Straightening Journey

The new year is a great time to start working on your smile. Visit us for your free Invisalign consultation to get started on your tooth straightening journey. Invisalign is the clear alternative to braces and is perfect for everyone. They can even improve some bite issues.

Achieve a Brighter Smile

Smile through 2021 with a bright smile. Our teeth whitening service is perfect for boosting your confidence and creating a perfect smile. We will discuss any habits or underlying causes for the discolouration of your teeth, so you can maintain a whiter smile for longer.