dermal fillers clinic brisbane
  At Greenslopes Dental, we are always evolving and our philosophy is now including dento-facial aesthetics and skin rejuvenation. We are also pleased to announce Dr. Audrey Hii is a certified practitioner from the AADFA (Australasian Academy of Dento-Facial Aesthetics). If you so choose at your next check-up, it might include a skin and...
wobbly tooth kids dentist
If your child has a loose baby tooth that is bothering him, you may wonder if you should try to pull it out or just wait for it to come out on its own? It may be tempting to simply pull the tooth from your child's mouth, but this is not always the best course of action. Here are some things to think about before you pull a loose tooth....
child dental health benefits brisbane
Is Your Child Eligible for the Dental Benefits? As a parent, making sure your child is as healthy as possible is understandably one of your highest priorities. The Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) has been introduced by the federal government to make that task a little easier if you receive benefits such as Family Tax Benefit...
toothpaste guide
The Ultimate Guide to Toothpaste What is the best toothpaste to use? Why are some toothpastes more expensive than others? Does that mean that they will work better? Can you buy plaque-busting toothpastes? Every toothpaste sounds like it might be worth trying but how do we know that we are not simply being seduced by clever marketing?...
gum disease dentists in brisbane
Your Gum Health Can Affect Your Overall Health Poor gum health has been linked to serious health problems in other parts of our body. People suffering with gum disease may be at increased risk of: * Heart disease and heart attacks * Diabetes and its control * Stroke * Rheumatoid arthritis * Complications in pregnancy....
brush tongue
Find out why it is just as important to brush your tongue as your teeth You may brush twice a day and even sneak in an extra tooth brushing after lunch, but until you learn how to clean your tongue, you may not be able to get rid of lingering halitosis, or bad breath. After you have...
food drink for teeth
We list the worst 6 food and drink that effect your teeth and breath Just because something tastes good, doesn't mean it's good for you. As Brisbane based dentists, we often see the bad consequences of "too much of a good thing" in our patients' mouths. But here's a helpful list of foods to avoid...
kids dentists in brisbane
Find out the best way to prepare your children for their first visit to the dentist Children should see a dentist shortly after their first teeth erupt. This visit is more for the parents, to help them understand exactly what they can do to prevent cavities and to help get them started on proper oral care.   What...
best cosmetic dentists in brisbane
Can Whitening Damage Your Teeth?   Question: Should I be concerned that teeth whitening strips or procedures could damage my teeth over the years? Answer: There is no indication that frequent, long-term use of teeth whitening strips can cause damage to your teeth. Whitening strips bleach the part of the tooth just beneath the ename...
seasonal allergies and teeth
Seasonal allergies can negatively affect oral health by causing a sore throat, dry mouth and tooth pain. If you've ever had sinus pain from allergies or a cold, you are familiar with the pressure it causes in your cheeks, nose and head. The large sinuses in your face, also known as the maxillary sinuses, are located above your mouth,...