dentist checking womans teeth

Why a Professional Teeth Clean Is a Great Idea

Life is busy and maintaining a consistently high level of general health can sometimes seem overwhelming. Once we have incorporated healthy eating habits, daily exercise, general health checks, and quality sleep, we might think we’ve got it covered. But good oral health is central to good overall health and it can often be overlooked.

Don’t feel excited by the thought of regular visits to the dentist? Don’t worry. Here at Greenslopes Dental, we understand. Whether it’s a feeling of anxiety or worries about cost, our team can help you. We offer a range of exceptional and friendly dentists full of good advice and great care plans.

Dental procedures such as regular cleaning are quick, pain-free, and surprisingly affordable. It’s also one of the best things you can do for yourself. A professional clean can catch problems early, prevent decay and disease, and leave you with an attractive looking smile!

What’s Involved?

Cleaning and Scaling

Plaque and tartar build-up – it happens to us all, and some of us are genetically predisposed to naturally accumulating more plaque.

Plaque and tartar irritate gums and allow bacteria to become trapped around the teeth and gums, leading to periodontal disease (decay). Your dentist will gently scrape this away leaving your teeth fresh and clean, without the scaly build-up. They will also clean in between the teeth.

After your appointment, try running your tongue along your clean teeth. You will realise just how much you had gotten used to having that build-up in your mouth.

Pocket Reading

A pocket reading is when the dentist or hygienist gently probes at your gums. Gums that come away from the tooth or bleed indicate that gum disease if present. If this is the case, you will be given an appropriate treatment plan. Sometimes gum disease can be treated through at-home care, but sometimes your dentist

Cleaner and Whiter

A professional clean is a great place to start before considering whitening options. A good clean can be all you need to bring your teeth back to a colour you are confident with. Caffeine, tobacco and genetics and age can all contribute to yellowing of teeth. Cutting back on these foods, drinking more water and regular cleaning at home can help to maintain that professional clean feeling until your next appointment.

How Often Should I Have My Teeth Professionally Cleaned?

It is recommended to have teeth professionally cleaned twice a year. If it has been a while since you had your teeth cleaned, or even if you never have, there is no need for embarrassment or concern. Our friendly family dentists are a professional team and we will put you at ease

For more information or to book in your next professional clean, talk to the team at Greenslopes Dental. Call us on 07 3394 3399 or make an appointment online.