cosmetic injectable dentists

At Greenslopes Dental, we have a variety of cosmetic dentistry services, including Veneers. Learn more about Veneers below.

What is are dental veneers?

Porcelain veneers are custom-made shells that are fitted on the surface of your teeth. Your veneers will instantly improve the appearance of your teeth, improving shape, size, length and colour.

What can veneers do?

  • Colour correct yellow teeth for a whiter smile
  • Fix a chipped tooth
  • Fix gaps
  • Fix crooked teeth
  • Fix the shape of a tooth
  • Fix stains on the tooth
  • Fix broken or chipped teeth

Are veneers permanent?

Veneers aren’t permanent and will eventually need to be replaced. Porcelain veneers can last for many years so long as you take care of them well.

What is the procedure?

We will see you for a consultation, where we can discuss how veneers can help your smile and the next steps. At your second appointment, we will remove some enamel to make room for the veneers. During the bonding process, the Veneers will be temporarily attached to the teeth to assess the fit and colour to ensure that they are perfect.

Is the procedure painful?

The procedure is typically not painful, however, you may experience slight discomfort whilst the veneers are fitted. We will ensure that you are comfortable throughout the process.

What are the disadvantages of veneers?

Whilst veneers are designed to last, they cannot be repaired if they break or get chipped- they’ll have to be replaced. Some people may experience tooth sensitivity, especially for the initial period after the veneers have been placed. Veneers can also be a costly investment, however, if you take care of them, they can last for up to 20 years, becoming a worthwhile investment.

Caring for your Veneers

Caring for your Veneers will ensure that they last for as long as possible. Some easy ways to care for your veneers are:

  • Use a soft toothbrush
  • Practice proper oral hygiene
  • Avoid food and drink that can stain teeth
  • Avoid grinding your teeth
  • Can change your Face Shape

Your smile can significantly affect your face shape and with veneers, we can perfect your teeth to give you a confident smile. Veneers can widen your smile, accentuate your cheekbones, or make your face more symmetrical. View our other cosmetic dental services to learn more about perfecting your smile.