dental xray
What is it  Bruxism is a condition in which a person grinds, gnashes or clashes their teeth unconsciously while they’re awake or in their sleep. It tends to come hand in hand with other sleep disorders such as snoring or sleep apnea. Some people grow out of Bruxism or may experience it for a short period,...
sleep apnea awake
Sleep apnea is a disorder that sees the throat closing up and consequently blocking airflow, stopping you from breathing. Once your brain registers this, it will wake you up enough to resume breathing again. You'll then most likely fall back to sleep instantly, possibly not processing that you were awake. For those with mild sleep apnea,...
electric and bamboo toothbrush
No matter which you prefer, each version of the toothbrush will still do its job of ensuring your teeth are plaque-free, so long as your technique is right that is.
cosmetic dentistry brisbane
There has been a recent surge in the popularity and availability of at-home teeth whitening products. There is little information provided about these products and consumers often have limited knowledge about what they are receiving. The only endorsements available come from Instagram stars and celebrity endorsements; no scientific or medical reco...
tooth model with braces on a bench
When people think about braces or invisalign treatments the most prominent reason for undergoing treatment is the cosmetic benefits. However, straight teeth are probably lower on your dentist’s list of priorities. In fact, there are significant health benefits to straightening teeth. Here are 5 reasons you should straighten your teeth: ...
wisdom teeth dentists brisbane
Many people are aware and have been for some time, the effects that carbonated sugary drinks can have on our health. This awareness has lead to many fear campaigns and urban legends. Unfortunately, over time these fear campaigns have deafened people and made it harder and harder to spread clear, truthful messages about how substances...
best cosmetic injectables in brisbane
Cosmetic Injectables began to boom in 2016 and their popularity has only continued to grow. Cosmetic Injectables offer a quick way to bring your best-self to the front. At Greenslopes Dental, our goal is to help patients feel confident and enthusiastic about their smile. Our full smile solutions have helped many people so far, and...
good kids dentists in brisbane
Children's dentistry is an important part of their annual health check-up. The dentist will check your child’s general dental health, fix anything that may be damaged, as well as starting preventative procedures. At Greenslopes Dental we pride ourselves on ensuring that your child has a fun, and stress-free appointment. As children progress t...
man smiling with sticky note on his head
Most commonly, patients only think about going to the dentist for preventative or reconstructive procedures; things like cleaning, fillings, crowns, whitening, and more. But what about going to the dentist to make yourself feel, not just healthy, but confident? At Greenslopes Dental, we offer a broad range of services. Because of this, we can co...